Deciding on a Personal Brand

I have found this exercise a little difficult.  I am generally pretty  assertive and open to being involved with participation and discussion in the classroom and in my work and personal interactions with people but I don’t like to post a lot online.  I have an active Facebook page but I tend to keep an eye on other people’s posts rather than posting much myself.

The idea of creating a blog and thinking about branding it in a way that would get it ‘out there’ and encourage other people to read it is something that I would generally try and actively avoid.

I have chosen to make the site about Airsoft, as it is one of the few hobbies that I still participate in outside of my currently busy life of work and study, so the information below relates directly to that rather than personal branding.


Emotional appeal: assertive, organised.

Description: Experienced airsoft player, female.

Function: Providing an area for information for new players, particularly females so written from that perspective.

Put together: Encouraging other females to give airsoft a go, and promoting the sport in general.

Other things I could do to be more comfortable brand would include possibly setting up some other social media accounts specifically relating to this blog.  I have no interest in having too much of my personal information linked with this page.

I can use the blog to help take control of the brand, firstly by linking any new social media accounts that I do decide to create.  Also I can tailor some of the content and images used to feature females that currently play (although this can be difficult as there are not many of us) and promote the sport and our local club in general to get other people involved as I often get interested people asking me questions about airsoft as it’s not a mainstream sport that many people know much about.

The audience is really anyone that is interested in airsoft but the focus is on the Nelson Region and possibly some inclusion of information on other NZ clubs/competitions.


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