ASNZ – Airsoft New Zealand

ASNZ is essentially the governing body of Airsoft in New Zealand.

Their website is primarily forum based and provides a communication hub for clubs and players around the country.  You can find information here on airsoft, including rules, gear and major events.  It is also a good place to post photos and information, or ask questions about the sport.

All NAC club players are members and are part of the ASNZ forum.  It is a welcoming, helpful environment for finding out more about the sport and how it is run in NZ.

ASNZ members are also eligible to enter the Nationals competition held in Waitangi weekend every year.  NAC hosted this in Nelson this year so didn’t compete as we were running the competition.  NAC has previously held club champion status so they are hoping to get this back at next year’s nationals being held north of Wellington.

Check out the link here for more information on ASNZ

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