Seafest September 30 – October 2 2016

So this was not technically an Airsoft event but a group of NAC players decided to go to Kaikoura Seafest as a bit of a social event.  The group theme for this year was split, half the group decided to go as Lumberjacks, the other half decided to stick to standard NAC Airsoft gear.

We headed down on the Friday evening and met up at our accomodation, the Albatross backpackers in Kaikoura.  From there a few of us headed over to the Friday night ‘Big Top’ entertainment where they had live music on for the evening.

Saturday was an early start as a few of us headed out for breakfast then dressed up and headed over to the main event.  We got in reasonably early and managed to get a picnic table where we gathered around for the day.  The place was packed, lots of people with cool costumes, live music and amazing food and drinks.

After the main event finished we spent the evening hanging out with another group of people in town for the festivities that were staying at the same backpackers as us.

Sunday morning was another group breakfast out, then heading back home – including a stop to have a look at the baby seals.  Great weekend away with an awesome group of people.

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