Game withdrawal…

Unfortunately due to the crazy weather we have been having here lately we haven’t been able to have a game for a while.

It’s probably a bit of an exaggeration but it feels like it has been raining on and off here for weeks…  The last couple of games we have had scheduled have had to be cancelled.

We were all geared up for a game at Armageddon on Sunday – the weather looked like it was favouring us!  After yet another wet week the rain was clearing up on Sunday morning so a hardy group of us were preparing to get out for a game when the owners called it off due to the field being waterlogged from all the recent rain, very disappointing!

Since then all hell has broken loose, with a series of large earthquakes on Sunday night, then storms, more rain and flooding overnight and today!  Luckily here in Nelson we have escaped relatively unscathed from the earthquake but unfortunately there are other areas that did not get off so lightly.  We have also had minor flooding in Vanguard St in town overnight with the coincidental SuperMoon and king tides…

Today there is flooding through Rai Valley direction and even a little in the Maitai.  An early morning walk this morning was cut short due to part of the walking track being underwater!

Hopefully the worst is over and things go back to normal.  NAC have scheduled a night game at Armageddon next week to make up for the game we have just missed.  We are now on the countdown to nationals in February so need to get some game time in!


Water covered path in Maitai Valley this morning!

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